Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNR)
Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return services improve the lives of cats living outdoors in our region’s neighborhoods and support their compassionate caretakers. If you see a cat outdoors, it doesn’t always mean the same thing. Please call 530-587-5948 for more information on what to do when you find a cat or a kitten outdoors.
TNR policies
This service is designed to minimize stress for feral and community cats. The policies in place are supported by the American Veterinary Medical Association as best practices. The Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe (HSTT) will provide all of the support you need to become a successful community cat caregiver. To participate, you must agree to uphold all of the policies in place. Cats and kittens participating in this service will be returned to their outdoor habitat. These cats/kittens are not candidates for HSTT’s foster or adoption programs.
Do NOT attempt to catch cats by hand, with a net, or any method other than a feral cat trap.
Attempting to catch cats without a feral cat trap places cats at a higher risk of injury, under extreme and unnecessary stress, and places you at risk of bites, scratches, and other injuries.
Cat bites are very serious, and Rabies laws in California require quarantine & follow-up.
- To utilize this TNR service, you must avoid cat bites by following safety protocols carefully and completely.
- If you are unsure how to use a live trap, HSTT has all of the information and equipment you will need for everything to go smoothly and safely.
- The qualifying feral or community cat will undergo a spay/neuter operation which requires the use of anesthesia. Additionally, while under anesthesia the cat will receive an ear-tipping procedure, the universally recognized symbol that a cat has been spayed/neutered & vaccinated.
- Harder-to-trap cats will require patience and consistent methods. Please contact Kara from HSTT at 530-582-2463 or [email protected] for tips and tricks on trapping weary cats.
Trapping Community Cats
Ideally, cats should be trapped the afternoon/evening before surgery, and safely moved to a transfer cage lined with newspaper, then covered completely with a sheet.
If unable to move to approved transfer cage, cover the trap completely with a sheet, and move to temperature-controlled environment, placing trap on top of a tarp covered with newspaper or puppy pads.
Cats must be in an approved transfer cage or cat trap in order to be seen. There are no exceptions to this safety policy.
Cats over four months old should have food withdrawn at midnight the night before surgery. This ensures that the stomach is empty by the time he’s put under general anesthesia. This lessens the chances that the cat vomits and aspirates into his lungs.
Pediatric animals (4 months or younger) should have food available until 6:00AM on the morning of surgery. This helps to avoid decreased blood sugar level.
Kittens must weigh at least 2 pounds and be at least 8 weeks old. Younger or lighter animals will be declined for surgery, for their safety. We prioritize kittens/cats of breeding age when spots are limited.
- Water should not be withdrawn prior to surgery.
- Do not attempt to move or care for cats without proper equipment. For extensive information on how to safely provide food, water, and humane care for cats in traps please visit
Cats will undergo a spay/neuter operation which requires the use of anesthesia. Additionally, Rabies & FVRCP vaccinations will be administered (age permitting), and ear-tipping will be performed. Because cats are ear-tipped while they’re under anesthesia, everything is safe, clean, and painless. The ear heals quickly and no further attention is needed. This method is the humane alternative to repeat-trapping, transporting and anesthetizing feral and community cats, which over time can trigger illness, injury and even death. It also preserves resources provided by humane organizations, community members, and medical personnel who provide TNR services.
Every procedure is included and required in order to receive TNR services through HSTT.
How to Participate
- Fill out and submit an online application. An application must be completed by the community cat caretaker.
- Participants who will be seen at the Truckee Animal Shelter must have an appointment before attempting to trap any cats.
- Appointments will be held when cats are comfortably eating out of un-set live traps, to ensure that the limited surgery spots are fulfilled.
- Participants who receive a free voucher are responsible for making appointment arrangements in accordance with the Veterinary Hospital accepting TNR patient(s).